
Herukan Community Guidelines

Last updated: October 10, 2020.

These rules are binding for all users. By participating in our chats you automatically agree to our rules. In case of a breach of the rules, the Herukan moderator team will take appropriate measures.

  1. It is forbidden to organize, participate in or encourage harassment of other users. Differences of opinion are normal. However, persistent, repeated or extremely negative comments can quickly become harassment and are not okay.

  2. It is prohibited to organize, promote or coordinate incitement of the people. It is unacceptable to attack a person or community based on skin color, ethnicity, origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or disability. Any such discrimination will be reported immediately to the Discord Trust & Savety team.

  3. NSFW, NSFL or other disturbing or pornographic content is absolutely prohibited Since Discord is 13 and up, there are users on this server who are not yet allowed for certain content. We therefore ask you to avoid any content that is not suitable for minors, and to report any other cases to the Herukan moderation team.

  4. It is forbidden to bypass blockages or server bans. Do not try to hide your identity in order to regain access to this server after a ban. Abuse of accounts will also be reported to the Discord team.

  5. Trading with money or valuables in any form is strictly prohibited. For this count also the exchange of PaySaveCards or similar money coupons.

  6. Don’t share any content that infringes the intellectual property or rights of others. Any person has intellectual property rights on this work after creating an image, text or piece of music. Distributing such a work without the explicit permission of the owner is prohibited.

  7. Do not send private data from you or any other user to this server. Privacy is a very important issue, so do not share your phone number, home address or passwords with other users.

  8. imitation, deception and spreading of false information is not allowed. It is not allowed to pretend to be someone else. This also applies to friends, celebrities, brands or other organizations, as well as attempts to deceive others about your identity. Deliberately spreading chain messages or false information that could cause harm, such as denial of tragic events, unsubstantiated medical claims, or undermining the integrity of civil litigation, is prohibited.

  9. Publicity in advertising for an association, organization or group is not permitted without consent. Sending a message advertising or supporting a particular group is not allowed without the consent of an administrator. This includes pictures, website addresses or texts that encourage or entice people to do something. Excluded from this are non-commercial associations and projects that serve a good cause.

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